Emily Beaven

Raised in the midwest with traditional work values, Emily graduated from The Culinary Institute of America, and received her BA in Communications from Kent State University. She worked in marketing, advertising, and public relations with brands like The Four Seasons, Hyatt, Kikkoman, Nestle, St. Francis Winery, and The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, before becoming a REALTOR® in San Francisco in 2015. Emily has been recognized as one of the Top 1.5% REALTOR® in the country working in San Francisco and Sonoma County, California at Compass.

This project is an opportunity to celebrate other women, but it’s also a way to nurture her own Yin energy. Emily is an Ennegram 8, Sun Sign Aries, Moon Sign Leo, Rising Sign Aquarius, and a 3/5 Projector. All of this information she discovered after turning 40. While not sure what it all means, it has propelled a journey in self-development, self-acceptance, and a desire to be of service beyond her clients to the greater community of women in the San Francisco Bay Area.

She lives in Sebastopol on two acres with two kids, two dogs and one supportive husband.

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What is The Yin Project?

The project’s purpose is to amplify the voices of women who have found their work worth doing - starting in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The inspiration of the name comes from the concept of Yin and Yang, which is used in traditional Chinese philosophy to describe the balance between two complementary and opposing energies.

Both are necessary and have their unique qualities. Yin is associated with feminine, passive, and receptive qualities, while Yang is associated with masculine, active, and dynamic qualities. Living and working in a patriarchy, Yang energy tends to be what is most rewarded - think productivity, efficiency and achievement.

A devaluation of Yin qualities in society can lead to a lack of balance in gender roles, with women being expected to embody more Yang qualities to succeed in male-dominated fields. This includes Emily’s personal experiences - working in male-dominated kitchens, the high-stress world of advertising, and the competitive world of real estate. This project is a work in progress to cultivate more Yin energy by talking directly with successful women, learning from them, and sharing their stories with you.